I read this from Kristi 's blog , an awesome mom to her son Billy. She wrote: "Its author dedicated it to a Canadian mom who lost her daughter at the hospital because the unwritten law for babies with Trisomy 13 in an emergency is DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) . Imagine, going to a hospital expecting them to save your child, and not knowing that they put a 'do not save' without telling you." Like her, I was also deeply touched by this writeup. May you other parents of special children draw strength and inspiration from this as well. === I am told one doctor said to another about a woman wanting to bear and deliver a child with known disabilities: "But who would want a child like that anyway"? Dear Doctor, Who would want a child "like that"? A person who wants to learn about love! A person who wants to know about self-sacrifice. A person who wants to know more about the value of life, who wants to move beyond the understanding o...
This blog aims to share our family's journey with our special child who has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy. May the things you read here inspire you, make you more compassionate, and, perhaps, change your views about disabled individuals for the better.