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Showing posts from February, 2010

Who Would Want a Child Like That?

I read this from Kristi 's blog , an awesome mom to her son Billy. She wrote: "Its author dedicated it to a Canadian mom who lost her daughter at the hospital because the unwritten law for babies with Trisomy 13 in an emergency is DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) . Imagine, going to a hospital expecting them to save your child, and not knowing that they put a 'do not save' without telling you." Like her, I was also deeply touched by this writeup. May you other parents of special children draw strength and inspiration from this as well. === I am told one doctor said to another about a woman wanting to bear and deliver a child with known disabilities: "But who would want a child like that anyway"? Dear Doctor, Who would want a child "like that"? A person who wants to learn about love! A person who wants to know about self-sacrifice. A person who wants to know more about the value of life, who wants to move beyond the understanding o...