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Wishlists for James

As many parents who have children with special needs know, it is sometimes very hard to find or buy supplies for our kids that we can afford. As such, if you know of people who are disposing the following items either through donations or discounted prices, do let us know. We would appreciate the help very much. 

All photos you can see here are:
1. Formulas for tube-feeding that would greatly help James get the special nutrition he needs
2. Special needs equipment that would make him more comfortable and which would help us take care of him better

*items are updated as the need for them arise

Pediasure Complete Balanced Nutrition Powder -- This is James' regular food since he got his gastrostomy tube. Pediasure now costs PhP849.00 for 900g and only lasts for about 5 days. If anybody out there could refer us to somebody from Abbott Philippines who can help us buy several cans of this at discounted rates, we would be very, very grateful.

Nutren 1.0

Resource Just for Kids w/ or w/o Fiber -- James' stomach tolerates the Vanilla flavor. We have been given several of these before and it agrees very much with him.

Resource Just for Kids 1.5Cal - We love this formula because at 225ml, a tetra pack can already provide James 355 calories!

Duocal Powder - This is a high-calorie, protein-free, lactose-free, gluten-free powdered food that can be used orally or in tube feedings. Duocal Powder provides fat and carbohydrate for increased caloric intake.

Polycose Powder - This is an easily digestible source of carbohydrate calories for use when additional calories are required.

Elecare Powder - This is another complete food formula.

Ensure Powder - Since James turned 10, we were advised by our gastroenterologist to change his formula to Ensure. But due to budget constraints (Ensure is almost twice as expensive as Pediasure), we still can't afford to make the switch :/

Kangaroo pump sets - Several friends from the US have donated their extra pump sets to James. Although the Kangaroo Pet Pump donated to us went bust, we still use these for gravity feeding. These bags are just like those IV bags at the hospital with a roll-on control valve. The end goes to the connecting tube for James' Bard button.

Zevex Infinity bags for James' Zevex Infinity Pump

Bathing chair - This model is the Wenzelite but we would appreciate any kind of bathing chair that could help ease the task of giving James a bath. He's now quite long and heavy and it's hard to hold him with only one hand while the other scrubs.

Vest harness - We are looking for this type of harness that would enable us to sit James on a regular chair without him falling down.

Big Kid Car Seat - Shown in the photo is a Recaro but we are not choosy. Any brand will do as long as James can fit in it. He is fast outgrowing the Irdy car seat he's using now (that's where he sits at home and during car rides) and we have no quick ideas how we can acquire a replacement which we actually need now.

TAOS Walker - After seeing the videos at the TAOS website, we are very hopeful that James will be able to "walk" someday with the help of this walker. More info at Watch the website's featured video. James' stance/posturing is exactly like that of the African-American boy there.


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